- A friendly spirit in Pumpkin Jack.
A floating half suit of armour with a tattered blue cloak flowing from the lower half of his body. He has scrolls and schematics serving as limbs and perpetually turning gears as his hands with a massive rotating gear and scroll on his back. Sounding almost like a train or an automaton when speaking.
The main Architect of Hell, he is responsible for building and maintaining all systems and building in the Underworld. Found repairing a ruined Cathedral with his duplicates while patiently waiting for Jack in the centre of the Cemetery.
He has been sent by The Devil to deliver Jack to The Wizard to determine the fate of the World. He met with the Wizard days before Jack arrived and bid each other a friendly farewell as he left through a portal. The Architect can construct a similar portal that will drop Jack right behind the Wizard, but first, he needs the power of The Seven Deadly Sins. He kindly directs you towards them and opens each of the gates that lead to a sin's plug, warning Jack to hurry, as the Wizard grows stronger with each passing moment.
The Seven Deadly Sins[]
Deadly Sins have the power to influence Humanity to commit several acts of sin. Long has it been since their power has been plugged within statues and locked away deep within the cemetery by humanity's knights. Jack must find and release them from their plugs so the Architect can power the portal. When releasing a sin's power, the Crow will become emotionally influenced by them, making comments in regards to whichever sin was destroyed. Luckily, he never acts upon these fabricated feelings.
The Sin of Pride[]

It's plug shaped like a lion's head, the Sin of Pride creates a deep satisfaction of one's accomplishments. It is found sitting atop the Cathedral, overlooking the cemetery. Jack will have to ascend the ruined tower to release it's power.
The Sin of Wrath[]

Shaped like a storm cloud shooting lightning, the Sin of Wrath will instill extreme anger to all who succumb to it's influence. It's found just beyond it's gate in the southeastern part of the cemetery's centre, protected by a barrier that can only be removed by destroying a gauntlet of enemies.
The Sin of Envy[]

With a statue shaped like a couple Crow Skulls, the Sin of Envy will fabricate a feeling of discontent within the influenced. Found atop a ruined tower past a gate east of the Cathedral. This sin will tempt Jack with a trail fake counterparts of Crow Skulls leading straight to where it sits. Collecting one will instead deal severe damage to Jack so he must be careful when approaching the statue.
The Sin of Lust[]

Residing in a broken heart at the top of a wall past the northeast gate, the Sin of Lust overwhelms the influenced with uncontrollable feelings of intimate desire towards another individual. The Graveyard Keeper sits at the closed gate where mausoleums and other rubble has made the path untraversable, he reveals his secret to how he gets around so fast, calling a Gargoyle to pick up Jack and rush him down the long path. It drops Jack right in front of the statue but will challenge him to combat afterwards, he will need to defeat it to release the sin.
The Sin of Greed[]

Behind three gates in the northwest, one of which is opened by the Architect, lies the Sin of Greed. Shaped like a hoard of treasure, it will unleash an intense selfish desire of materials or power. It's two unopened gates have podiums in front of them, requiring Jack to give up a few Crow Skulls he had collected while traversing the cemetery.
The Sin of Sloth[]

West of the Cathedral lies the Sin of Sloth, which is shaped like a relaxing paradise. The Sin of Sloth will call upon the feelings of reluctance or complacency of the influenced, causing them to lose all interest in working, refusing any effort in productivity. Locked behind a gate with Pumpkin Head Podium in front, Jack must use his head to clear away the large amount of headstones in the plot of land behind the statue to unlock the gate.
The Sin of Gluttony[]

The final Sin, the Sin of Gluttony is imprisoned within the fenced mausoleum in the centre of the Cathedral courtyard. With the power of the other Sins unleashed, it is empowered and creates a large slimy body for itself. Trying to fight as much as it can but is no match for The Great Jack. After being defeated, it retreats back into it's plug, a statue shaped like a cake.
After releasing the final Sin, The Architect calls Jack back to him to focus the power of the Sins and construct a portal that leads him very close to the Wizard. Rewarding the Crow with a touch of his power of duplication on the other side of the portal, he tells Jack that he should acknowledge his companion's usefulness instead of always resenting his presence.