Welcome, Future Wiki Contributor!
This page serves as a guide to help editors get started on this Wiki. Please read this article all the way through before making any edits if you are new! It will ensure that the edits you make are of the highest quality!
You can always see here for pages with missing information.
General "Rules" of Thumb[]
- DO use the Source Editor and please refrain from using the Visual Editor - it totally messses up the Wiki code on pages. If you're not sure how to do something, ask for help!
- DO ask questions if you need any help or advice or if you can't find anything. You are absolutely welcome to ask me or any other admins!
Formatting and Design[]
Please try to keep to the formatting that is already in on pages that are done. The wiki is new and low on content but eventually we'll have a solid layout for everything.
If you have any questions, ideas or suggestions, please contact The Embraced One on the Wiki or on Discord: The Embraced One #6059.
Screenshot Requirements[]
- Screenshots should a resolution of exactly 1920x1080.
- PNG files are preferred over JPG files.
When linking to another page in the wiki, instead of using the entire URL as the link, use double brackets and simply type the name of the page. For example, the following code in the Source Editor:
will appear as Skeletown. When using the main editor, typing in the first pair of brackets will automatically create a pop-up window, which lets you type in the page name, tell you if the page link is valid or not, and allow you to visit the linked page directly from the editor.
You can also link to any heading or sub-heading in a page by adding a # at the end of the page name and typing in the full header name, so the following:
will appear as Soldier#Trivia.
Heading URLs can be accessed by hovering over the header name and clicking the padlock icon () that appears to the right. This automatically links you to that header, and from there you can copy-paste just the page name from your browser bar into the source code.
If you want your link to appear as a different text, simply add pipe after them, and the desired display name, for example
gives Trivia.
Try to keep terminology and descriptions consistent throughout the wiki, using formal and impersonal language. Avoid using "you," "we," and other second-person terms, and do not use slang or colloquialisms. Avoid terms like "probably," "looks like," "clearly," "really," etc.
The following is a list of terms as they should be consistently worded (more to be added later):
- "Jack": When referring to the character that the player controls, including physical contact and lore references. Please do NOT refer to the player as "the player".
- When in doubt, try to reword the phrase to not include either one (i.e., "Retreat when Jack is low on health" could be re-written as "Retreat when low on health.")
- Enemy Attacks: Use the present and imperfect tense when describing enemy attacks and behaviour (i.e. "Charges forward, spinning into a ball"). Only use future tense if the attack is circumstantial (i.e. "Will jump back if the player gets too close").
- Controls: Always in all caps. Because the game supports both controller and keyboard inputs, button prompts are not denoted by their relative name but by the naming convention in the options menu: JUMP, ATTACK, FOCUS/CAST, DREAM NAIL, QUICK CAST, DASH, PAUSE, INVENTORY, SUPER DASH, QUICK MAP, LOOK UP/DOWN, and the directions UP, DOWN, LEFT, and RIGHT.
- Trivia/Lore: Unless stated in the game or by the developer, all correlations and references are possibilities, not absolutes. Preface trivia with good evidence as "likely" or "presumably" true.
Anything about a specific subject that's not related to gameplay is considered Trivia and should be put under the Trivia heading for that page. If no Trivia section is present, you may add it to the bottom of the page. Please refer to other pages that have trivia sections for its format.
- DON'T add any non-Pumpkin Jack trivia e.g. "this enemy looks like X from (other game)".
- DON'T add theories and speculations to these sections unless there is clear evidence for it either in-game or confirmed by the developer publicly.
To cite sources, use the <ref>source goes here</ref> tags to include them in your text where applicable. Then, adding {{Refs}} at the end of the page will list out all of your references and citations. See an example here.