Pumpkin Jack Wiki
Pumpkin Jack Wiki
  • The Fields are the first level in Pumpkin Jack, serving as a tutorial for players to learn what Jack can do and what they can expect from the game.


Jack is sent here by The Devil, armed with a new body and a trusty avian guide keeping an eye on him, the Owl. Here, he gets used to his new body by jumping and dodging, later meeting a cowardly Crow and helping it defeat a Scarecrow at the other end of the Fields, gaining a powerful airborne ally to aide in his mission to defeat the Wizard.

Jack learns to arm himself with a Shovel and to attack Monsters in many different ways, though they are servants of the Devil, they cannot tell if Jack is on their side as he is still technically a human spirit. Many different Monsters, like skulls on sticks, will oppose and attack Jack.

Jack will also learn that he can jump in and out of his body to slip into small spaces and open doors from the other side, crawling around as only his Pumpkin Head with tentacle-like limbs, he can jump and spin quickly to attack and interact with objects like levers.